Publishing and Dissemination


14 October 2022

Canadian Journal of Economics Call for Papers

Reproducibility and replicability are vital to science as it helps make science a self-correcting system, allowing to assess the reliability and validity of empirical result. Replication can lead to improved credibility within empirical economic research, which represents a key input in economic policy design. For instance, the reproduction attempt of Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff’s result (and discovery of a spreadsheet error) that rising levels of government debt are associated with much weaker rates of economic growth highlights the key role played by reproducibility in enhancing the reliability and validity of empirical findings.

While the Canadian Journal of Economics has a data availability policy and welcomes replications as regular submissions, we are happy to announce a call for papers for a symposium on methods and practices for reproducibility and replicability. This symposium is in collaboration with the Institute for Replication and particularly welcomes three types of papers, without excluding other forms of replication.

First, we invite reproduction or replication of prominent research. We particularly encourage replication/reproduction manuscripts that advance theory or methods in some way beyond just the specific application. Second, we welcome meta-replications - multiple replications or reproductions. A meta-replication may be on a given topic, subfield or discipline. Third, we also encourage theoretical papers that consider incentives, norms and ethics that can guide the practice of replication.

The co-editor in charge of this symposium is Abel Brodeur ( The submission deadline is January 31, 2023. Interested authors should submit their papers through CJE's ScholarOne portal at In Step 1 of the submission process, select "Special Issue Paper" as manuscript type. Detailed instructions for manuscript submissions can be found here.