JPE: Volume 130, August 2022


The Allocation of Food to Food Banks
Canice Prendergast
Data Availability: Data and codes available.
Computational Reproducibility: Reproduction of tables 3 and 4 and Fugure 5 here.
Replicability: Looking for a replicator.

Designing Incentives for Heterogeneous Researchers
Nathan Yoder
Replicability: Please contact us if yourself or someone else checked the proofs.

Asymmetric Information and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets Mexican Data
Harold Cole, Daniel Neuhann, and Guillermo Ordoñez
Data Availability: Data and code available.
Computational Reproducibility:
Replicability: Looking for a replicator.

Sorting or Steering: The Effects of Housing Discrimination on Neighborhood Choice
Peter Christensen and Christopher Timmins
Data Availability: Data and codes available.
Computational Reproducibility: Reproduction of tables 5, 8, 9 and 11 here.
Replicability: Looking for a replicator.

Instrumental Variable Identification of Dynamic Variance Decompositions
Mikkel Plagborg-Møller and Christian K. Wolf
Data Availability: Data and codes available.
Computational Reproducibility: Reproduction of table 1 and figure 1 here.
Replicability: Looking for a replicator.

Dissecting the Equity Premium
Tyler Beason and David Schreindorfer
Data Availability: Some of the data needs to be purchased.
Computational Reproducibility:
Replicability: Looking for a replicator with access to the full data.